LED indicators


Continuous green

Mains power connected

Not illuminated

Mains power disconnected or hardware fault


Continuous green

Normal operation

Nb. If the Flow Gateway is in any state other than normal operation for more than 8 minutes it will automatically reboot

Flashing orange

Network connecting

Attempting to establish a network (Ethernet) connection

The Flow Gateway should not remain in this state for more than 10 seconds - if it does refer to the Network Link indicator

Flashing green (1 second period)

Data link connecting

A network connection has been established, and is now attempting to connect to the Flow Coffee cloud servers (MQTT)

The Flow Gateway should not remain in this state for more than 20 seconds - if it does the likely causes are:

Flashing red

Non-fatal error

The Flow Gateway has encountered an error condition, but is still running and will attempt to recover from the error

To manually attempt to recover from the error restart the Flow Gateway by cycling the power. To do this remove the power plug, wait for all indicators to turn off (approximately 10 seconds), then reconnect the power plug

Continuous red

Fatal error

The Flow Gateway has encountered a fatal error and cannot continue operating (ie. it has crashed)

Nb. Although the Flow Gateway cannot continue operating when it is in this state, usually the subsystem which handles rebooting the Flow Gateway will still be able to restart the Flow Gateway after 8 minutes

To manually attempt to recover from the error restart the Flow Gateway by cycling the power. To do this remove the power plug, wait for all indicators to turn off (approximately 10 seconds), then reconnect the power plug

Not illuminated

Hardware fault

This state should not occur - contact your Flow Coffee representative for technical assistance

Rapid flashing green

Flow Gateway is in configuration mode

This state should not occur - contact your Flow Coffee representative for technical assistance

Grouphead 1-4 flow meters

Flashing green

Flow meter activity detected

The rate at which the LED is flashing indicates the flow rate. Nb. At higher flow rates the LED can flash fast enough that it appears as being dimly illuminated

Not illuminated / Continuous green

No flow meter activity detected

Nb. It is normal for a connected grouphead's flow meter indicator to sometimes remain illuminated when the grouphead is not being used

Continuous red

Incorrect connection to the coffee machine flow meter detected - The polarity (positive and negative) is reversed

Check that the correct type of adaptors have been used for the coffee machine and that the plugs are connected in the correct orientation/polarity

Network Link

Continuous amber

Network link layer connected - no network activity


Flashing amber

Network link layer connected - network activity


Not illuminated

Network link layer not connected

This state should not occur - the likely causes are:

  • Network cable is not connected or is faulty

  • Mains power to Flow Gateway is disconnected

  • Mains power to the Wi-Fi to Ethernet adapter or site router is disconnected

  • Hardware fault with the Flow Gateway, Wi-Fi to Ethernet adapter, or site router

Network Speed

Not illuminated

10 Mbit/s connection speed

Continuous green

100 Mbit/s connection speed