At this point, the unit should have been installed, and confirmation given that data is being received by Flow. The Flow installation manual can be located at Flow Gateway v2 Installers Guide
For the basics on using the Flow dashboard, please refer to our Getting Started Video
Login Into the Flow Dashboard
To log into the dashboard, you will need to navigate to https://dashboard.flowcoffee.co.nz/getting-started/ .
Within this video, you will gain a simple understanding of the features contained within the dashboard, and it will bring further clarity to the information below.
Login Into the Flow Dashboard
To log into the dashboard, you will need to navigate to https://dashboard.flowcoffee.co.nz/ and enter the login details you have been provided with. Once the correct details have been entered, you will be automatically directed to the main overview page.
On this page, you can see the overview of your organisation and the performance of and enter the login details you have been provided with. Once the correct details have been entered, you will be automatically directed to the main overview page.
On this page, you can see the overview of your organisation and the performance of each site. The quick overview shows the number of shots and the percentage of shots that have met recipe.
There Under ‘filters’, there is the option to sort by date, organisation, recipe, alphabetically or shot count. There is also the option to ‘Fullscreen’ the tile display, which can be a visually good option for different display applications.
Here we can see the percentage of coffees that have met recipe, and how that total has been formulated from ‘perfect shots’(+/- 1 sec) and ‘OK’ within time variance specified in the recipe.
Missed on Time
Here we see the percentage of coffees that have missed recipe because the shot time was above the time target 'too slow' or below the time target 'too fast'
Missed on Volume
Here we can see the percentage of coffees that have missed the recipe based on volume, and how that total has been formulated by each group head. It is worth noting that a small tolerance(under 5%) should be allowed to allow for cut shots etc.
Here we can see the position of the site against other sites within the same organisation.
Binning allows the site to remove shots from the dashboard, that they did not serve to the customer because they were outside of recipe. This metric allows you to see the percentage f shots that were binned. This feature can be turned off so that staff cannot bin shots.
Here we can see the position of the site against other sites within the same organisation.
Shot Variance
Here we have normalised all of the site’s recipes to show time above or below the desired stot time. The lite green band shows +/- 1 second and the darker the green band shows shots within the specified shot time variance for the recipe.
The yellow line shows the trend of shot times and indicates where grinder adjustments should be made as it strays away from the perfect band.
You can hover your mouse over any of the coffee shots, and you will see further details of that particular shot.
You can click on any of the coffee shots to see a detailed breakdown of that shot.
Scatter Chart
Here we can see how accurate accurately the site is performing against individual recipes. By clicking on the desired recipe (in this case, small/standard, tall) you can view each recipe against its own time target.
The scatter chart is not turned on as a standard feature. To turn on the scatter chart you will need to go to ‘settings’ at the bottom left of the dashboard (as per the graphic below) and then tick the box for ‘Display the Scatter Chart on the Dashboard’. Then click update the tick box at the bottom top right of the screen.
Now the Scatter chart will be displayed on your dashboard.
By clicking on ‘coffee machines’ in on the side bar you will be able to see a basic breakdown of the usage statistics for each group head.
You can use this instruction throughout this area to understand the hidden information.
Resellers - Onboarding New Customers
The first course of action is to create a new Organisation.
Barista Screen Display
To access the barista screen for a particular site, you need to click
Then in the top right of the screen, you need to click ‘actions’ and then ‘add organisation’.
Then you will need to add the organisation Name, and if required, any description required.
The other fields are pre-set and do not require change unless you specifically want to change the optional parameters.
At the bottom of this page, you need to click ‘create organisation’.
The organisation is now set and ready for sites to be loaded.
Adding a Site to the Organisation
From the main dashboard, on the left-hand side of the screen, you need to click ‘sites’
Then in the top right of the screen, you need to click ‘actions’ and then ‘add site’.
Fill in the appropriate fields, while paying special attention to set the organisation that you want this site to belong to, set the site to ‘active’ and then make sure the time zone is set to the local time.
Scrolling further down the page, we need to add the coffee machines(s) to the site. Click on ‘+coffee machine’
Now you need to fill in the name for the Machine e.g Front Counter and then click on ‘add grouphead’. You need to click on add grouphead to set the number of group heads on your machine. E.g you will need to click 3 times for a 3 group machine. It is important to number each group head under ‘Num”, e.g 1,2,3. Our convection is 1-4 left to right
If you have a machine with preinfusion enabled, you need to tick the appropriate box.
If you are loading one machine only, you now need to click on ‘create site’ at the bottom left of your screen
on the site to gain access to its main page. Then click on the drop-down box ‘view real-time activity’. If your site has two machines, the drop box will give you the option for both machines and you need to click on the machine you are wanting to see the display for.
Group Heads: The Display shows the 3 group heads and the shot time for each group and is colour coded based on whether they have met the recipe or not. Underneath the shot time we provide a further description of each shot.
Bin Function. If you have a touch screen, you will be able to take advantage of the bin function. If staff do not serve a shot because it is outside of the recipe, they can bin the shot and remove it from their daily metrics.
Keep Awake: In the top right-hand corner, you have the option to click on the keep awake tab. This will stop the screen from going to sleep.
Grind suggestion: The needle will slide back and forth across the graph showing the trend of your shots. E.g as your shots get faster, the needle will slide towards the right hand ‘too coarse’, giving the barista an indication to make an adjustment to the grinder. If staff do not make a change, an image of a grinder will appear, and if still no change is made, the grinder will start flashing, making it hard to ignore that a grinder change needs to be made.
Resellers - Onboarding New Customers
The first course of action is to create a new Organisation.
From the main dashboard, on the left-hand side of the screen, you need to click ‘Organisations’
Then in the top right of the screen, you need to click on the 'plus’ and then ‘add organisation’.
Then you will need to add the organisation Name, and if required, any description required.
The other fields are pre-set and do not require change unless you specifically want to change the optional parameters.
You can now either finish this page by clicking the tick box at the top right of the screen or enter details for the maintenance thresholds below.
Maintenance Thresholds
Here you can set the service intervals for different items in your equipment. Once complete, you need to click the tick box in the top right of the screen.
The organisation is now set and ready for sites to be loaded.
Adding a Site to the Organisation
From the main dashboard, on the left-hand side of the screen, you need to click ‘sites’
Then in the top right of the screen, you need to click the ‘plus’ box at the top right of the screen.
Fill in the appropriate fields, while paying special attention to set the organisation that you want this site to belong to, and then make sure the time zone is set to the local time.
Scrolling further down the page, we need to add the coffee machines(s) to the site. Click on ‘+coffee machine’
Now you need to fill in the name for the Machine e.g Front Counter and then click on ‘add grouphead’. You need to click on add grouphead to set the number of group heads on your machine. E.g you will need to click 3 times for a 3 group machine.
If you have a machine with preinfusion enabled, you need to tick the appropriate box and let your reseller know that you want preinfusion added to this machine.
If you are loading one machine only, you now need to click on the tick box at the top right of your screen
If you are wanting to add further machines e.g a drive-through machine, you need to click add coffee machine and repeat the process.
Associating a Unit (Flow Device) to the Coffee Machine
On the left-hand side of the screen, you need to click ‘Units’
This will take you to a list of units that you have permissions to manage. To find a specific unit, begin typing it’s serial number into the search box in the top right, and the list will auto populate with results, once the desired device comes up in the list, you can click on it to select it:
Once you have clicked on the desired Unit, it will take you to the unit details page. This page will show some initial info, like the organization, site, and coffee machine the unit is already associated with (if any), and information like the last data received timestamps, As well as other useful diagnostic information about the unit.
In order to assign the unit to a site (or change it’s assignment), you must click on the Edit icon (pencil and page) in the top right:
On the Edit Unit page, you will need to select the Coffee Machine you wish to associate it with on the right-hand side. This dropdown includes all the coffee machines in your organization, and supports type-ahead search, allowing you to type part of the name of the site or machine you wish to associate with to quickly shorten the list.
Once you have selected a Coffee Machine, please us the Notes filed, to add a date stamped note explaining the change (this is only to create a log, so we know why this association was made or changed).
Finally, click the tickbox in the top right corner to save your changes
Adding Users to the Site
From the main dashboard, on the left-hand side of the screen, you need to click ‘users’
Then in the top right of the screen, you need to click ‘actions’ and then ‘add user’.
the plus box. There are also options to import or export bulk users or invite a user directly.
As per below, enter the user’s email address and select an organisation to add the user to. Use the tick boxes on the right to make the user ‘notifiable’ for the email reports. It is also important to set the correct organisation and the local timezone for the user.
Click Generate to create a password for the user. If this password is going to be emailed to a user, copy and paste the password into an email now, as you will not be able to find this password again after navigating away from this page. For security reasons, it's advisable when emailing a password, that you recommend to the client that they change their password when logging in for the first time.
Once fields are populated, you need to click on ‘create user’
on the tick box.
Add the user roles to each user
Now we need to click on users on the left hand side of the dashboard. Now you need to find the user through the search box by starting to type the email address of the user into the search field. Once the appropriate user is located, click on that username.
Multiple roles can be set to for each user.
Once you have selected the role, organisation and site, you need to click ‘add’ to complete the process. Any of these selections can be edited in the same format.
First, we need to set the time parameter. Log in to the dashboard and click into on the site you are wanting to work with.
Recipes cannot be edited or deleted once created as historic shots may be associated with those targets. If they the targets need to be changed deactivate the recipe and create a new one
Repeat for each group heap and recipe by clicking ‘change group head forward button in the top right-hand corner.
The important part of this process is setting the volume correctly on the machine, and then being sure that you have run enough coffees coffee through the machine to see accurate volume pulse counts in the Flow dashboard. This will enable you to see the new trend and set the pulse counts accordingly as per above.
Volumetric settings can go out of calibration due to human or equipment error". When this happens you can use the following procedure to identify and fix the problem.
Follow the identical process as above. Key is starting by making sure the volumes on the machine are correct.
You can identify when volumes are being changed by:
Click ‘coffee machine’ on the left hand side of the dashboard.
Choose group head and click calibrate.
Depending on the number of recipes, look for clear trends within a 10-second pulse count for the same number of recipes. E.g if the site has 2 recipes there should be 2 clear bands.
The below graphic shows shots sitting within the desired recipe bands.
By clicking each date, you can understand where trends start, or when changes have been made.