Cable which connects the Flow Gateway to the espresso machine’s flow meters. One cable is required for a 1-2 grouphead machine, two cables for a 3-4 grouphead machine. There are different types of two grouphead flow meter cables available to suit the different flow meter connections commonly found: https://flowcoffee-co-nz.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCI/pages/461242401/Espresso+machine+knowledge+base#Flow-meter-connection- Flow meter connection variations
Wi-Fi to Ethernet adapter
Flow Gateway
Flow Gateway power supply
For a 1-2 grouphead espresso machine:
1x Flow meter cable
For a 3-4 grouphead espresso machine
2x Flow meter cables
Appropriate Flow meter cable adapters for the type of espresso machine that the Flow Gateway will be connected to - see Coffee machine flow Flow meter connector connection variations
If the Flow Gateway will be using a wired internet connection:
Ethernet network cable of a suitable length for the site
If the Flow Gateway will be using Wi-Fi to connect to the internet:
Wi-Fi to Ethernet adapter (comes with power supply and 0.5m Ethernet cable)
Computer, tablet or smartphone with a Wi-Fi network connection
Cable ties
High strength double sided foam tape - eg. 3M VHB Double Sided Foam Adhesive
Tools for removing the appropriate covers from the espresso machine to access the flow meters
Each flow meter has a positive (+), negative (-) and signal (0) terminal. The type of connector and pinout used by the espresso machine / flow meters varies by manufacturer and model. See https://flowcoffee-co-nz.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCI/pages/461242401/Espresso+machine+knowledge+base#Flow-meter-connection- Flow meter connection variations for the different types espresso machine flow meter connectors and which adapters are required to connect them to the Flow Gateway.